Article #1: The Aloha Spirit of Hawai`i is a Way of Life
Submitted by: Makaiah Gorham, BYU-Hawaii Student, and Blogger
In this week’s blog, we learn more about the meaning of Aloha. Guest Blogger Makaiah Gorhman shares that Aloha is “not only shown through nature and culture, but it is expressed in the simple things of life”. Read on for this BYU– Hawaiʻi student’s experience in the Land of Aloha. Read the full blog here!
Article #2: March R.E.W.A.T.C.H.I Experience Winners
Submitted by: Moniqueca Kaufusi
Congratulations to Kahealani from Concessions and Sila from the GSD for being the R.E.W.A.T.C.H.I experience winners. We encourage all employees to share their experiences with the Cultural Beliefs by scanning the QR code down below and taking the 2-minute survey.
Kahealani Palemani– Concessions
Embrace Learning
“Concessions is one of the great blessings I’ve had. It was my very first time to have a job and I didn’t have any experience with how work life is. I’ve grown up depending so much on my parents, am I’m not fluent in English. That’s why I’m always scared to talk and try to avoid conversation. However, concessions have helped me to grow and gain new skills. Concession taught me how to interact with others in English and have a confident conversation. Concessions taught me how to deal with money and I am so glad because I want to be a businesswoman. Most times when things are tough, I get nervous, shocked, and afraid but at the same time Concession leads and our Boss takes charge and helps. I love concessions.
‘That’s what Embrace learning looks like to me’”.
Sila Lealii E’e- Guest Services
Wow Customers
“For the past few weeks, the GSD team has run a mini show for the guests before we open the gates. Our Tour Guides and Ticket Takers perform their cultures to help guests get excited for the day and make them happy. We are not the professional dancers of the center but as our name indicates, we serve the guests in any way, shape, or form. I see the faces of the guests light up as soon as we begin the dances even when it rains!
‘That’s what Wow customers looks like to me’”.