Polynesian Cultural Center Art Contest Encourages Keiki to Capture Their Own Hawaiian Journey
Hawaiian Journey Immersive Theater Experience Newest Addition at PCC
Laie, Hawaii – April 26, 2013 – With the opening of the much-anticipated Hawaiian Journey cinematic experience, the Polynesian Cultural Center (PCC) invites all elementary school students to express their love for Hawaii through a Hawaiian Journey artwork contest.
Students are asked to illustrate what they believe to be the most beautiful place or scenery in all of the Hawaiian Islands. The contest offers students from kindergarten through sixth grade the chance to win a grand prize of PCC’s “Ambassador Package” for a family of four and 25 general admission passes for the winner’s class to experience the magic of Hawaiian Journey.
“We want keiki to be as excited as we are about our brand new Hawaiian Journey experience, which is why all contest entrants will receive a coupon for free admission to the center with a paying adult,” said Raymond Magalei, Vice President of Sales and Marketing. “With moving seats that spray mist and rumble beneath theater goers, Hawaiian Journey is an experience that they will not soon forget.”
Entering the Hawaiian Journey artwork contest is free and limited to one entry per student. A blank artwork sheet is provided to students on which they can create their masterpieces. Each entry must include the student’s name, grade, contact phone number, school name and teacher’s name. The official entry application along with the artwork sheet and rules can be found online at www.PCCKamaaina.com/HJartcontest.
Artwork will be judged on the entrant’s creativity and originality in depicting the concept of Hawaiian Journey and island beauty. Art pieces will also be judged on overall visual presentation and execution. In addition to a grand prize winner, there will be seven winners (one from each grade level, K-6th grade) who will receive a PCC goody bag. Winners will be notified on May 23, 2013.
All entries must be received by 5 p.m. on Wednesday, May 16, 2013 at: Polynesian Cultural Center, 55-370 Kamehameha Hwy., Laie, HI 96762 addressed to the attention of Lara Leimana Fonoimoana, Hawaiian Journey Artwork Contest. For more information, contact Fonoimoana at (808) 293-3150 or by email at fonoimol@jp-staging.polynesia.com.
Hawaiian Journey is the latest addition to the PCC and unlike any experience offered in the Islands. Projected on one of the largest screens in the state and housed in a volcano, Hawaiian Journey is a 14-minute cinematic extravaganza narrated by Al Harrington. Guests are transported into gorgeous imagery of Hawaii as the power of the volcano is made real through the amazing sound system and chairs that shake, mists from a roaring waterfall land gently on your face and sweet floral scents waft through the theater.
Celebrating 50 years in 2013, the Polynesian Cultural Center (PCC) was founded in 1963 as a non-profit organization, and has entertained more than 37 million visitors, while preserving and portraying the culture, arts and crafts of Polynesia to the rest of the world. In addition, the PCC has provided financial assistance to nearly 18,000 young people from more than 70 different countries while they attend Brigham Young University-Hawaii. As a non-profit organization, 100 percent of PCC’s revenue is used for daily operations and to support education.