Honest in all our Dealings
Submitted by: P. Alfred Grace, President, and CEO

A review of the Standards of Personal Conduct
Ohana –
We know that there have been many challenges to the Center and each of our staff members. We want you to know that we appreciate you and that we are very grateful for your hard work and love for the Polynesian Cultural Center.
Unfortunately, an issue has been brought to light that we must address. Please read the following article carefully and make a commitment to always to uphold all standards at work.
Unauthorized Guests
Because of the limited number of tickets available for sale due to social distancing restrictions in the Islands, restaurants and night show, we are frequently sold out. Although that is a blessing for PCC’s financial recovery, it has also caused frustration and daily disappointment for employees who can’t get tickets for their guests.
Unfortunately, some employees have taken it upon themselves to sneak in their unticketed guests by bypassing the ticket entry locations. Not only have these guests not paid for their PCC visit, their presence exceeds capacity levels set for PCC resulting in paid guests being turned away from presentations and activities in the Islands. This is unacceptable and needs to stop! It is dishonest and is grounds for discipline.
Please read Page 13 of the employee handbook as a reminder of honesty standards expected of all employees.
We are hopeful the distancing restrictions will be relaxed soon to allow us to increase our tickets for sale daily. Until then, please have your guests book and pay for their tickets to visit PCC.
Alfred Grace, President and CEO
Polynesian Cultural Center